See what actual CVA parents have to say!
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My children have both thrived at CVA. We are thankful for the staff and environment.
When my children receive postcards regarding their achievements I feel so proud of them.
I love how focused the teachers are for the students' education goals.
Postcards are awesome and the smaller school environment is exactly what I want for my kids.
It’s amazing just how friendly everyone is at drop off and pick up, knowing our names. It's so impressive that everyone takes the time to get to know us.
The open house was nice to get familiar with the school and staff.
The teachers try to be there for my daughter when she’s struggling.
Love the care and commitment clearly visible from staff to students!
My daughter receiving the award for respect was amazing.
When the principal called and sang so many praises about my daughter for doing the right thing.
Field day is so much fun for the kids and parents.
Field Day 2024 was awesome. We were so glad to be there!
I like to hear staff call my daughter by her name, I love the community feeling.
Reading aloud to the 2nd graders class as the mystery reader. There were lots of giggles and participation by the students.
One of my favorite things was being there to see my daughter receive a citizenship award.
Working as a team with teachers to improve children's scores and understanding of their academics.
I love how CVA feels like family.
The teachers reaching out via post cards, and the award ceremony makes me feel my child is acknowledged.
Coming to this community has been so nice and welcoming.
A positive and welcoming environment.
My son's character trait award last year made us so happy to be here.
Fall festival, Spanish dance performances, & character awards are always a positive!
Attending movie night and being familiar with all of the staff is great. I love that my child is comfortable with all of the staff as well.
My mom feels that I am safe here and that they treat me well. The staff always feeds me whenever I stay after school to volunteer.
I love how focused the teachers are for the students' education goals.
When my daughter broke her wrist, they were immediately in contact with me and very concerned for her.
When my daughter broke her wrist, they were immediately in contact with me and very concerned for her.
One of the things that my son loves and we look forward to is the field day.
Communication is great!
The care and attention my kids have from the staff keeps us at the school.
One of my favorite things is when my kids have won character trait awards.
My daughter started school a few weeks late and she was so welcomed and everyone was so helpful.
We love the trunk or treat. It’s always a good time!
When my son got selected for character trait and we did not tell him so it was a total surprise to him at the assembly!