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State testing is upon us and we want to make sure that the kiddos are present and ready to go.

Testing schedule:

Grades 3-8

Tuesday, April 9-Thursday, April 11:

CMAS MATH assessment

Friday, April 12-Tuesday, April 16:

CMAS ELA assessment

Grades 5 and 8 only

Wednesday, April 17-Friday, April 19

CMAS SCIENCE assessment

Here are a few tips to ensure that the students can do their very best:

  • get a good night sleep, be well rested (8-10 hours)

  • eat a healthy breakfast

  • arrive to school on time and be here every day

  • have a positive “can do” student attitude

  • plan ahead to ensure your child is present, reschedule any appointments the child may have or need to attend during this time.

April 8

Solar eclipse

April 9

Field Day shirt-wear any shirt from any year