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4th and 5th and MIDDLE SCHOOL NIGHT

We are hosting a Middle School Night on January 26th and we would like to include the 4th and 5th graders. Here are the details:

Admission: $5 per student

The night will include:

  • Food and Drinks: TBD (probably pizza and soda)

  • Entertainment: A dance party, games, karaoke, a movie screening, and hide n seek.

  • Sweet Treats: Popcorn and snow cones

Please note that in order to be eligible to attend, students must not have two or more classroom referrals or an office referral from now until the 26th. Permission slips have been shared with staff and will be distributed soon. We kindly ask for your assistance in returning their permission slips promptly.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher.

January 26

Middle School Night

January 30